Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Scratch Commenting

I love Scratch becaue I get to make fun new games. How to play you need to anwer the qustions you put A or B as the anwsers you type the awsers in the long box at the bottem warning the game is not done yet I will work on it more but I hope you like the game so far.

My Favorite Time of Day

Today we are learning about writing about our favorite time of day.
I found it easy to think about two of my favorite time of day . 
I found it hard to write my second paragraph and decribe the my favorite time of day.
 Next time I will write more about after school because I did not write much about that subjet.

Monday, August 17, 2020

The Fun Run

We  are learning about writeing a recount about the Awapuni Fun run.
I found it easy to describe the Fun runand and to  use averbs and use describe it
I found it hard to memorise the Fun run. 
next time I will write more words and  describe it a bit more.