Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Lava Lamps

 I made Lava lamps with my Science group It was very fun because the oil sat on top of the water because it has more density  then water even if you shake the oil and the water up the oil will not mix with the water because it expelled the water molecules.

my group chose yellow dye for the water so when it bubbles the bubbles will be yellow watch I thought was a good idea because yellow stands out when you put a light on it.

The reaction;

oil stays above the water because the oil is lighter than the water or, more specifically, less dense than water. The oil and water do not mix because of something called “intermolecular polarity.” Molecular polarity basically means that water molecules are attracted to other water molecules. They get along fine, and can loosely bond together (drops.) This is similar to magnets that are attracted to each other. Oil molecules are attracted to other oil molecules, they get along fine as well. But the structures of the two molecules do not allow them to bond together.

I enjoyed Learning about the destiny of oil and how it expels molecules

I found easy listening to the teacher and then following the instaderings and not going off task

I found hard doing the Reflection and pouring the oil because I nearly dropped the oil

Next time I will help my group with the experiments because I didn't do much I mostly just watch what was happening.

Making Bath Bombs.

 Last week in Science we made bath bombs for mother's day.

 We observed Mrs Bava make the powder and tell us about the reaction and that only reacts when you add water the class each got one or two boulds I got two so I dyed one blue and the other I dyed it yellow I had to mix the dyed in one at a time the yellow wasn't really coming out very bright 

The reaction;

When a bath bomb comes in contact with water, the baking soda and citric acid react to make

carbon dioxide bubbles. This is an acid–base reaction, where baking soda (also called sodium

bicarbonate) is a weak base and citric acid is a weak acid.

Once the bath bomb dried the blue was very spotty but the yellow was very nice and not spotty.

I enjoyed giving it to my mum afterschool for mothers day

I found it easy to put the powder into the mold because it was easy to mix with the powders.

I found it hard to make the power have the right amount of water because I put to much in so I was mixing but it keeped fuzzing up so I had to pat the powder down.

I enjoyed the Bath bomb once I got it because it was very nice looking with the to colours mixed together.

Next time I will try put not as much water so it won't fuzz up as much.